Anglès Nivell C1-2

La paraula set és la que té un major nombre de definicions.


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Imatge del curs Anglès Nivell C1-2

Aquest curs no està disponible

Última convocatòria desembre de 2022

Aquest curs inclou
  • 30 hores

  • 100 % en línia, ASÍNCRON

  • Tots els nivells

  • Tutoritzat per Xisca Prats

  • Reconegut Departament Educació

  • Centre afiliat a Oxford Test of English

Aquest curs no està disponible

Última convocatòria desembre de 2022

Aquest curs inclou
  • 30 hores

  • 100 % en línia, ASÍNCRON

  • Tots els nivells

  • Tutoritzat per Xisca Prats

  • Reconegut Departament Educació

  • Centre afiliat a Oxford Test of English
Il.lustració entranyable que acompanya el curs Anglès Nivell C1-2

With the formative activity of English Level C1-2 our main objective is for students to consolidate and put into practice the advanced communication skills and competences in English. In order to achieve autonomy and practical management of this language, to the extent that we are able to express ourselves and understand it in situations of high difficulty, we focuse on oral and written conversations, both formal and informal. This is the second part of the C1 level course.

Aquest és el teu curs

perquè aconseguiràs...

  • To motivate students towards the study of the English language.

  • To acquire autonomy and security in the use of English in everyday life.

  • To consolidate communication skills in English.

  • To understand extended speech in unstructured and imprecise conversations.

  • To express fluently and spontaneously English without much obvious searching for expressions.

  • To use language flexibly and effectively for academic, social and professional purposes.

  • To formulate ideas and opinions and to develop particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.

  • To understand long and complex factual and literary text, even when they do not relate to their field of work.

  • To understand the particular and the general sense of the different types of written texts, and recognise implicit meaning of the text.

  • To understand television programmes and films without too much effort.

  • To demonstrate advanced skills in the management of grammar rules and structure of the English language.

  • To write complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what I consider to be the salient issues.

  • To select style appropriate to the reader in mind.

  • To produce detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

  • To dominate the language to respond clearly written and safety.

  • To increase English advanced vocabulary.

Continguts del curs

  • Module 1. We’re good at learning English

    • Gerund and infinitive: What is a gerund? How does it work? - What is an infinitive? How does it work? - Verbs followed by the infinitive and the -ing form

    • Dependent preposition: Verbs + dependent preposition - Nouns + dependent preposition - Adjectives + dependent preposition

    • Perfect modals verbs 

    • Reading: Gapped text

  • Module 2. Science and technology

    • Complex future tense: Future perfect tense - Future in the Past

    • Quantifiers: Quantifiers with of-phrases

    • Commonly confused words 

    • Vocabulary: Science and technology

  • Module 3. «Let’s go!», she said

    • Distributive determiners and correlative conjunctions: Distributive determiners - Correlative conjunctions

    • Linking words and phrases: Useful linking phrases

    • Punctuation rules: The full stop, period or point - The comma - The colon - The semicolon - Quotation marks - The apostrophe - The hyphens and dashes - Brackets and parentheses

    • Proposal and report: Proposal - Report

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