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30 hores
100 % en línia, ASÍNCRON
Ed. Primària i Secundària
Tutoritzat per Andra Mihaela Dumitru
Reconegut Departament Educació
30 hores
100 % en línia, ASÍNCRON
Ed. Primària i Secundària
Tutoritzat per Andra Mihaela Dumitru
Reconegut Departament Educació
Practical CLIL course addressed at primary and secondary school teachers. The main objective is to create a didactic unit based on CLIL methodology. During this course, students will work on the creation of a CLIL unit so they will need to put into practice the knowledge acquired in previous courses. Moreover, they will have plenty of examples, models, tasks, rubrics, etc.
Tal com marca el Departament d'Educació, per poder seguir adequadament aquest curs es recomana un nivell B2 d'anglès o similar.
To learn advanced concepts related to CLIL methodology.
To provide methodological and linguistic resources.
To provide a wide range of resources related to CLIL didactic units.
To work (separately) on the different sequences related to CLIL didactic units.
To design a CLIL didactic unit.
Module 1. Let's start planning!
Part 1. Introduction (The importance of the English Language in today's world; What is the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course?; How does the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course work?)
Part 2. Didactic units in CLIL (An introduction to didactic units in CLIL; Key curricular elements)
Part 3. Let's plan (Teaching and learning objectives; Tasks in CLIL; The final task; The role of language in our units)
Part 4. Conclusion
Part 5. Tasks
Part 6. Learn some more...
Module 2. Let's create!
Part 1. Introduction (What is the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course?; How does the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course work?)
Part 2. The role of the 4Cs (An introduction to the 4Cs in didactic units in CLIL; Content; Communication; Culture, Cognition)
Part 3. Let's work on the activities (Unit design and details)
Part 4. Conclusion
Part 5. Tasks
Part 6. Learn some more...
Module 3. Let's finish!
Part 1. Introduction (What is the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course?; How does the Planning didactic units through CLIL methodology course work?)
Part 2. Materials (The importance of materials; Examples of materials)
Part 3. Let's work on assessment (The importance of assessing; Assessing in CLIL; Rubrics)
Part 4. Conclusion
Part 5. Tasks
Part 6. Learn some more...
30 h.
Propera convocatòria del 3 al 24 de febrer de 2025
30 h.
Propera convocatòria del 3 al 24 de febrer de 2025
30 h.
Propera convocatòria del 3 al 24 de febrer de 2025
30 h.
Propera convocatòria del 3 al 24 de febrer de 2025